*Additional items may be required throughout the school year.
**Should you find yourself in a position where you cannot afford these supplies, please contact your child’s school counselor who can provide supplies for your child.
All Grades
- Earbuds
- 2-inch 3-ring binder with pockets
- College-ruled paper (3 packs)
- Loose-leaf graph paper
- #2 pencils and pens
- Simple pack of colored pencils
- Tab dividers (one for each core subject)
- Multi-colored highlighters
- Clear, Refillable Water Bottle
*Some parents have asked if their child should get a stylus to go along with their student laptop device that they will be using this year. This is a personal choice and, while it may be helpful to your child, it is not a requirement. Whatever stylus you may purchase will need to be a Bluetooth stylus compatible with Google Chromebooks.
Special Areas/ Electives
English I
- Binder
- Wide-ruled paper
- Pencils
- Subject dividers
- Earbuds
- Black & white composition notebooks (2)
Algebra IH
Scientific or Graphing Calculator (TI84 or higher) *Graphing calculator recommended – but NOT required
Geometry H
Scientific or Graphing Calculator (TI84 or higher) *Graphing calculator recommended – but NOT required
Fine/Performing Arts and Related Arts teachers will notify students on an individual basis.